) Creamy Vanilla Cake - MASBAR Desember 2009:Bakery

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Creamy Vanilla Cake - MASBAR Desember 2009

Nothing seemed, had entered the new year. Earlier this year we will always start everything with a series of prayer & hope of the good. So is this the year 2010, may be a blessing everything, every decision can be a mirror of our maturity and wisdom.

Start early with the full blessing, I suguhkan special cake for the event are still faithfully maintained by Diana Bakery, - sorry ya kalo posting a little late.

Creamy Vanilla Cake



Yolk btr 10

Btr 5 egg whites

175gr sugar

1 / 2 tsp Vanilla essence

1 tbsp emulsifier

100 gr flour

25 g full cream milk powder

1 tablespoon cornstarch

Liquid Butter 175gr


1. Beat eggs, sugar until sugar destroyed, enter emulsifer, shake briefly, put the dry ingredients, beat until thick.

2. Enter Vanilla essence, mix well

3. Finally enter the melted butter, mix well.

4. Prepare the pan uk 3. 20X20X 4cm. Preheat oven to 160 celcius deratjat. Pour the batter into the pan-me-polished butter / margarine. Oven until cooked brown. Chill cake.

Material for cosmetic & filling:

250cc cold Whipped cream

3 tablespoons Neufchatel Cream Cheese

Gelatin powder 1 tsp, water soaked moment, then the team until the liquid

** Here's how: Beat whipped cream 1/2mengembang add cream cheese, whipped until stiff. Finally enter the liquid gelatin and stir well. Ready dipake polish / filling.


1. Sprinkle each sheet cake with simple syrup / caramel syrup.

2. Polishing with filling, give canned mandarin oranges in it. Cover again with a second cake. Polishing back filling, mandarin orange berries again, cover again with the last cake.

3. Finally, polish the entire cake with the ingredients evenly polished, decorated according to taste.

4. Topper Decorate with chocolate cooking lemon taste.

Happy New Year 2010!

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